Meet Our Writers| Introducing Alffie (justalffie)

By Alffie


I am Alffie. Never with a single F; unless you call me Alf. But in the eternal words of Paul Simon in the classic song:
“You can call me Al.”

Her highness, Ms Ntha, has seen wise to have me write on matters Africa – in light of everyday topics and issues. Basically, view whatever issue through the lens of an ordinary African.

The phrasing “Ordinary African” will stand out significantly in my writings as I will never attempt to make you think your perspective is less than, nor will I drown you in statistics and figure that you more often than not just skim through.

Mine will be more about thought provoking – trying to get you to ask more questions, attempt to get you to question the status quo, and thereby either solidify your stand in an issue – or maybe consider reviewing them.

Though with a degree in Computer Science & Technology, the passion for Literature, Arts & Philosophy has always been part of me. Always questioning everything, playing devil’s advocate is a favourite pass time as I believe in this principle:
“Only a philosophy/worldview that can stand scrutiny is worth believing in”

And so my writing is more about asking more questions, than answering them.

I hope you ask questions along with me.

Feel free to reach me via email at [email protected].

Follow me on Instagram @justalffie, and find me on Twitter @justalffie.

Till next time,


P.S. Ntha loves my locs, so she decided to slot in a few pics when she was editing this post.

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