In May, 2022, the top 10 of the 2022 #YoungFoundersProgramme cohort, through the Westerwelle Foundation made it to Berlin for the #YoungFoundersConference!
We spent a week with the Westerwelle Foundation in Berlin learning about entrepreneurship, and networking with fellow entrepreneurs and investors.
I share in this video through the words of Ida Huiskonen and the Westerwelle Foundation board chair – Michael Mronz details about the foundation, and how they support young entrepreneurs in Africa and the global south through programmes and hubs.
I was particularly drawn to the Westerwelle Foundation because their international work mirrored the work of the Ntha Foundation locally in Malawi. We toured the startup hubs in Berlin, and it was all parts inspiring and motivating for me.
I was drawn to the work of @westerwellefoundation because it mirrored my work with @nthafoundation in Malawi. So many shared passions for entrepreneurship in Africa.
Grateful for the entrepreneurship training over the past 6 months, excited for the networks created, and thrilled for the collaboration and growth ahead.
Visit the website for details about the next intake and deadlines.
All my love,
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