I had a career talk with Bedir International High School Form 4 and Form 5 students. Leading up to the talk, I was not sure what I would be talking about. I was not very sure what teenagers would wish to hear about careers from me.
Then it hit me – I once wrote a whole book about things I wish I knew when I was a teenager.
I chose to teach from my book “By The End of Your Teens”, a book I have temporarily discontinued the publication of because I am rewriting a few things. I can confirm now that I will be republishing the book in due time, as I recently (and more so today) discovered how much sharing these experiences means to me.
My talk centred how I designed my life, how I continue to design my life, and how I suggest young people do design their lives. This is what ideally BYTEOYT is to me.
I am temporarily sharing the book here with you here at no cost, as I had promised to do to the Bedir students.
Treat these words with love, and kindness. They came from a good place. They meant well. They still do.
All my love,
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