SheDecides Open Mic Night

by Shalom of SheDecides Malawi

SheDecides is a global political movement for the promotion, provision, protection and enhancement of the fundamental rights of every girl and woman.

The movement is united by the belief in the right of every woman and girl to decide what to do with her body, her life and her future.

On the 24th of August 2019, SheDecides Malawi had an open mic night. The aim of the open mic night was to bring together young people in order to have a dialogue around what it would take to create a Malawi where girls and women are able to make their own decisions without question.

Diverse groups of young people came together to discuss on issues affecting young women.

The program was rather short- opened by Erasmo Mbemba, who gave a brief background of the SheDecides movement.

This was followed by the first dialogue, which was facilitated by Maziko, Tikondwe and Erasmo.

Guiding questions:

When it comes to your sexual and reproductive health, what would make your life better if changed tomorrow?

A refreshment break was had, where drinks and snacks were served.

Jessica performed a spoken word piece about the liberation of Malawian women.

After the break, the group decided to group the next two sessions into one; and discuss these two guiding questions:

What barriers are currently preventing the changes you want to see from happening?

What moment in your life have you felt discrimination, or exclusion?

In response to the discussion around what we, as young people would want to change for women and girls to be able to decide, the suggestions were;

• For comprehensive sexuality education to be implemented from primary school level.
• Introduction of age appropriate sexual education in kindergarten as children are very impressionasble at this age. This would centre on issues of self love as well as body appreciation and confidence.
• To invest in ways to foster open communication in communities regarding sex and sexuality.
• Popularise the laws regarding sexual reproductive health to the masses
• Make laws simpler to understand i.e translate them into simpler words as well as local languages.
• Address social norms around understanding that women are able minded to make decisions about their own body.
• Generally more financing should be directed to social behaviour change
• Address the root causes to the issues around child marriage.
• We can also invest in these girls through teaching life skills that they can be able to use to sustain themselves.
• Open parent child relationship regarding sex
• More gender responsive budgeting

Sign the SheDecides Manifesto:

She decides whether, when, and with whom.

To have sex.

To fall in love.

To marry.

To have children.

She has the right.

To information, to health care, to choose.

She is free.

To feel pleasure.

To use contraception.

To access abortion safely.

To decide.

Free from pressure.

Free from harm.

Free from judgement and fear.

Because when others decide for her, she

faces violence, forced marriage, oppression.

She faces risks to her health, to her dignity,

to her dreams, to her life.

When she does not decide, she cannot create the life she deserves,

the family she wants, a prosperous future to call her own.

We – and you, and he, and they – are uniting. Standing together with her so she can make the decisions only she should make.

Political leadership and social momentum are coming together like never before.

But we can go further, and we can do more.

From today, we fight against the fear.

We right the wrongs.

We mobilise political and financial support.

We work to make laws and policies just.

We stand up for what is right.

Together, we create the world that

is better, stronger, safer.

But only if, and only when

She Decides.

Sponsor of Event: She Decides Global Movement (25×25)

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