In this issue of the Morning Star, I discuss what led me to agnosticism, and the exploration of faiths.
“The direct and the indirect lead to each other in turn.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
It is like moving in a circle – you never come to an end.
Who can exhaust the possibilities of their combination?”
Winnie talks about the preservation of people that have strayed away from Christianity.
Emily Mark takes a walk with the Tao, and what the Tao doctrine is all about. She discusses the Yin Yang principles, and how the Tao have come to be identified with it.
Watch your thoughts – they become your words.
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
Watch your words – they become your actions.
Watch your actions – they become your habits.
Watch your habits – they become your character.
Watch your character – it becomes your destiny.
We share an article by the late Evans Ndiwo Banda, as was published on the 8th of May, 2017 – near 5 months before he passed away.
There is a simple but profound wisdom in God asking us to be like a little child.
Evans Ndiwo Banda, 2017
Agnes Mizere takes us through African/Malawian spirituality, talking about “Makewana”, which in the Chichewa vernacular language of Malawi literally means the Mother of the Children – but meant to convey the meaning Mother of the People. In history, she was known as a powerful rainmaker.
She says that the The last Makewana stays within Msinja holy area at a village called Kachikoti and she administers lessons and advisory (services) at the Dziwe la Anamwali – (a deep pool located a stone throw away from the village).
“In the Maravi, MAKEWANA is the high priestess of the holy shrine of Msinja within the centre of the kingdom. She is assisted by other priests who are under the leadership of Tsang’oma. Key events include praying for rains and fortune and which constituted the religion of the original Maravi people. She mediates between people and their God.”
I hope you enjoy this issue.
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All my love,
Ntha | The Editor