Most people are working from home during this Covid-19 pandemic; and setting up a home office might seem a daunting task – especially if you are working with a tight budget.
When you are setting up an office in your home; you want to ensure that you get maximum productivity, and minimize the distractions which come with the proximity of a home to many factors.
This is a 2 part post, where I will share, in part 1 (this one); Things To Consider When Setting Up Your Office, and in part 2, Must Have Items When Setting up Your Office On A Budget.
Your home office will likely need a room of its own. If you live alone, and are renting a house/apartment, a 2 bedroom house can usually suffice.
I opt for creating the second room to multi-serve as a guest bedroom, and home office.
If you do not have a spare bedroom, a wall in your room/living room is a plausible alternative. Just ensure you design it efficiently to serve the purpose of an office.
How much money do you have reserved for this office space you wish to create? This, if limited, can also limit your choices. Explore options which are within your means. There is absolutely no need to go into debt.
You can create a fancy office even when you are working with a tight budget.
Get on Pinterest, and look up some ideas on creative/fancy ideas on how to set up your office. Find a good carpenter to execute your ideas. I like the carpenters at Bwandiro (Sector 3 turn).
If you have the budget for it, you can hire a professional interior designer; which will cost you money for their fees; and perhaps things they wish to purchase.
If you are color sensitive like I am, then colors will and should matter.
The psychological impact that color has on you should be considered when you are choosing a palette.
According to Harrington College of Design, the colors surrounding you can impact your mood.
When chosen with purpose, the color of the walls in your home office can enhance productivity. Think calming colors like greens and blues. I love both, so turquoise is my go to color.
Also consider natural light. One of the best ways to do this while also saving space is to put your desk in front of a window.
Studies have shown that having exposure to natural light has a wide range of health benefits, including increased productivity.
You spend so many of your working hours in your office, and you may want to personalize the space.
To do this, you can use things that mean something to you, like family pictures, drawings, or art. This gives you a sense of ownership over your workspace.
Allow your workspace to tell your story with little touches of what reminds you of inspiring and uplifting things in your life.
However, note that extreme personalization can decrease your productivity. Do not clutter to your desk and its surroundings.
More Details on Must Have Budget Items When Setting Up A Home Office.
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