Meet Our Writers | Sekulu Nyekha “Years from Now” #PoetryMonday

I put out a call for writers in the ICFP Youth Whatsapp group last November. I needed 5 writers to work with, on a Youth Plenary project for the fifth ICFP in Rwanda. That is how I met Sekulu Nyekha.

She reached out to me and told me that she was interested in working on the project. We worked together for near 2 months developing Monologues for the Youth Plenary at the conference.

From the moment I read her articles, I knew I was dealing with some talent. Most people can write – but it takes a good level of talent to draw you in and keep you latched; and make you become a part of the story.

I could not miss that in this 21 year from India. She is such a beautiful person inside and out – a true artist and mastermind.

Expanding our team, it was almost a no-brainer when thinking of who would take over the spoken-word and poetry corner we are calling #poetryMonday. My mood this week is a result of her beautifully written work I stumbled upon when I was casually browsing my Instagram on Monday.

Years from now,

When you find yourself

Crying yourself to sleep

On your tear soaked pillow

Wishing to end every part of you

Hating everything living through you

I hope you remember.

Remember of all the other nights

You felt this way

All the mornings you hated.

And with equal energy,


Remember how you waited for

Storm to pass,

Healing to come.

And when you finally heal-


Feel with your every conscience

Feel the soothe in your breath

How you go to bed,

Pray to God,

Read your bible,

And fall asleep.

Feel this serenity.

How you are grateful for the little you have

For those around you

For the mountains you’ve climbed.

Feel this moment

Of how overwhelmed you are

With gratitude

With love

With gladness.

Feel every tiny bit.

The curves of your pillow as you sleep

The smell of fresh air early mornings

How despite a car almost hit you,

You simply smile.

Feel these moments of silliness

Feel these moments of peace.

So, when you find yourself on your tear soaked pillow again,

You will remember

How possible healing is

You will remember

Of all your layers of healing.

How peel by peel

You hurt

And how at the end you heal

Not at the beam of a promised


But at the thought

That this very moment

Is yours

And you’re glad as hell,

You are living.

Years from now,

You may cry yourself to sleep

But may your nights always give you

A better morning.

Because it is not just the nights that are a pain.

Waking up to a morning you dread

Is pain in its loneliest form.

I hope,

You always

Make it to a better morning,

If not a good morning.

  • Sekulu Nyekha

I hope you will fall in love with her writing, like I did.

All my love,

Ntha x

Sekulu Nyekha, 21, Poet, Writer

Also check out part of her spokenword piece at the 5th ICFP in Rwanda.

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