PLEASE NOTE: This is a general take on access to internet and related data costs in Malawi. Because I am connected to Converged Technologies Networks unlimited internet service, I have yet to try out the newly rolled out #Pamtsetse Bundles as introduced by TNM, and might make a separate review in time. Also note that this is not a sponsored post – these are my personal views.
In July, 2020; a few stakeholders in the digital space, from ICT Specialists to digital content creators came together to started campaigning for reduced data costs in Malawi.
Malawi has some of the highest data costs in the world (refer to article linked above for statistics), contributing further to the digital divide in the country. Malawi has 2 key players in the ISP space – TNM and Airtel. Very few people can afford internet access, let alone affordable unlimited internet access.
I have been a digital content creator in Malawi since 2012. I have “quit” at least twice within this decade, and the costs of data and internet service in Malawi have been part of the reason.
Creatives, digital creators and innovators who share digitally rely on access to the world wide web to:
1. Disseminate their content with the global audience
2. Have their audience consume their content;
Internet service provision becomes a very key part of that (business) experience. Speaking for myself – my content creation has improved tremendously since I started creating a decade ago. It however does not matter how great my content is, if people cannot afford to consume that content.
I got introduced to unlimited internet access by Converged Technology Networks – first using the 2MBPS connection, and now upgraded to 10MBPS. Converged Technologies Network was one of the first brands in Malawi to create an offering for unlimited internet access at very affordable rates.
In the past 3 years with Converged, I have grown not only my digital presence, but also my 2 Companies to offer various digital innovations which are fast growing to be independent brands.
Working with Converged meant I had solved one half of my sharing problem as a digital creator – I was able to share my content digitally, and be able to create digital innovations in my company.
This still left us with a market problem, however –
the public, no matter how great the content/innovations are or how accessible they are online, could not afford to access the content/innovations. Unfortunately, brands like Converged have a limited coverage issue in terms of how far they are able to cover in Malawi. This is why it makes more sense for the main players to cover to the wider needs of the public.
We are looking to rollout the Digi Savvy Africa digital skills e-learning platform by early February, and my biggest stresspoint has been getting more affordable bandwidth for the hubs, so the students can be able to easily access the courses. The unlimited and affordable bundles by TNM are very timely, especially in my personal interest, and the interest of many innovators and creators in various industries.
Having unlimited bundles means that creators will be able to publish their content online, and that (a larger margin than before of) their target audiences will be able to access this content.
I know there are many concerns regarding the Fair Use Policy, and speed of the said internet, but the fact remains that a connection remains a connection, and beyond individuals, a lot of organisations will be digitising too. I speak from experience when I say some internet is miles better than no internet at all. I’ve piloted over 3 innovations on less than 2MBPS internet, so I think you can trust me when I say this is a very good thing for creators and innovators.
All reservations considered, this is a very huge win for Malawians, and our efforts towards closing the digital divide in Malawi. This is a leap in the right direction, and I trust that this is only the beginning of many huge wins in this space. Power to you, TNM, and we know that Airtel will be following suit very briefly!