Hey loves
I hope January is treating you kind, and I hope you are being kind to your skin.
My skin and I are still getting along. I previously mentioned that I tend to have serious acne issues but have recently been seeing a change, thanks to African Black Soap.
A few of you reached out to ask how to use the African Black Soap. I usually just wash my face and moisturise my skin before using (if at all) any make up. If you are curious of where to buy this soap, please check the comments in my previous skincare post to see where you can find it nearest to you.
I recently received some products from the World Miss University team while in Cambodia. I was the most sceptical to use new products as I know how sensitive my skin is. I was also not sure if skincare products made for Caucasian skin would work well for melanated skin. Well if these products are anything to go by, I will be confirming to you that skin IS skin.
The RoseSteem SkinCare Brand is a south Korean skincare brand. I am not sure how wide the skin range is, as we only received three products; all of which I am absolutely in love with.
The Radiance Toner
As is any other toner, it removes up to 99% of dirt on your skin making sure your skin is clean, fresh and vibrant as you start or end your day. I normally use this before applying my make up in the morning – but recommend it even better right after removing make up at night to remove any excess residue on your skin so you sleep with some fresh and clean skin.
The Brightening Serum
This is the most important product if you are looking to clear longterm scarring. Let’s face it, we all want flawless skin. When you are continuously scarring because of acne, a brightening Serum is your bestfriend. It clears your skin overtime.
And the Intensive Nutrition Cream
Being that my skin is very sensitive, I usually only use Baby Oil after washing my face with the African Black Soap. However I took a chance on the products and absolutely loved the results. The nutrition cream plays the role of a moisturiser in my routine. It makes my skin feel so supple and smooth.
The African Black soap was great in calming my acne, but I still had much scarring to deal with. I know Brightening Serums are good for this and was not in the slightest way disappointed by this range.
After washing my face, I simply tone my face with the Radiance toner and cotton pads to make sure it is extremely clean. I then use a very small amount of the Brightening Serum, and wrap it up with the Nutrition Cream. The range makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturised.
Better yet, I had absolutely no breakouts and since I have minimized my use of make up since my skin is clearing up (the irony of life), I have less and less blackheads.
I do know that these products are not available in Malawi. However, I find this range very similar to the Ponds Flawless Radiance Range. All these products are found in that range and they worked for me when I tried them. As usual, my skin adapts to a product and starts misbehaving again (which has not been the case this time, praise God) but it might just work for you.
Whatever brand you try, just make sure there is a Toner, Brightening Serum and moisturing lotion. Not forgetting that African Black Soap. Be sure to let me know how it goes.
And for the rest of my body, I own the baby I am at heart.
Johnson’s is the lotion I use and it works fine for me.
And for everything else, Vaseliiiiine is my go to.
That is anything from my lips to my fingernails. It simply works.
And last but not least, the juice! The juice! I cut off any soft (soda) drinks from my diet and drink a lot more juices and water and my skin thanks me for it. Yes yes yes.
Those are my current skincare products and how I use them. What are you skincare faves?
P.S. How cute is my doek? Courtesy of the beautiful ladies from Cambodia.
All my love,