By Alex
Hey, I’m Alex.
Depending on where and how we’ve met, you’ll have a different version of me so let me just break down a few versions of myself.
Version 1 | The Artist.
I am a music artist and producer who has worked with some names you might have heard of and some, well, you might have missed. Back in the early 2010’s when Music was the only passion in my life, I was one of Lilongwe’s most prominent artist and producer. I ran a studio called, One-Five Records with an old school friend of mine for close to 3 years before I found other passions that made me more money (Don’t Judge me, you have no idea how broke an urban musician was during those years, especially in our warm heart of Africa,lol). My most cherished accomplishment as a musician is meeting the late HHP when he walked through Malawi and we had a couple of sessions together. The recorded songs never came out but having a talent like that recognize me and actually want to work with me is one of the reason’s my passion for arts have never died.
I especially follow the local music scene with the curiousity of a new born baby hearing music for the first time, because that is what my heart wants, to hear a local artist who makes me feel like I’m hearing music for the first time. My search…needless to say…is incomplete. and that is why I’m essentially here. I want to introduce the readers to the alternative music scene and vibrant upcoming generation of Malawian artists who are brave enough to step away from the norm and truly create something unique to our Malawian culture whilst being globally consumable, we are getting there trust me. I have always had a passion for curating and exposing artists and experiences even to the smallest of audiences, it just makes me feel great to have introduced someone to content that they actually get and enjoy, it’s a great feeling. Even while I was working as Marketing Executive for a local TV & Radio station I insisted i had my own show where I could play the Music playlist I wanted!! Good for me, I had a certain Kenyan for a Station Manager and he always trusted my vision (Ofcourse I’ll always deny this in his face).
Version 2 | The Marketer.
The passion to promote and sell content is probably why I became a Marketer by proffession. Marketing took over from Music as a passion and I have aimed to pursue it just as strongly as I used to pursue music. Marketing introduced me to a whole new dimension in terms of how artists actually become succesful and surprise, surprise..Talent is not the only reason. So after running a studio for a few years I went to DMI University and got myself a degree in Marketing & Advertising. Those were easily the best 4 years of my life and not just because of what i learned in the lecture rooms, we all know what I’m saying!!
Fast forward to post graduated me and life happened fast, as a marketer I have worked with several outfits including a radio station, a TV station, DSTV Malawi and even Malawi’s largest tourism company, Sunbird Hotels & Resorts (So far the hardest job I’ve had, you don’t know life until CEO’s are calling you directly to hammer you why the numbers aren’t going up). My proffesional life has given me a unique perspective in terms of where arts and culture fit into the bigger picture and I’ve always explored that. It’s actually how I met Ntha, but that’s a story for another time. I’ve been lucky enough to work for organisations that have always embraced my passion for arts, culture and content and that has given me the opportunity to explore so much in these worlds. My writings here will mostly be musings, thoughts and sometimes even criticisms of anything that is centred around music, events and content marketing. Besides that, I also fancy myself a bit of a management afficiando. So expect some business and entrepreneurship content here and there, just for control. Don’t let all the serious talk fool you. Most of the people who have met me will tell you I’m straight silly. I like to have fun and I’m the type of annoying person who will find something funny in any situation, it drives people crazy.
Version 3 | Family Guy
Lastly, let me glimpse you into the last version of my life. I’m engaged to and live with my college sweetheart. I’m a father to one beautiful young girl. There will come a time when I will also write articles about that, but not right now,lol.
I’m pretty much a roll with it guy, so don’t forget to hit me up with anything you think I would be interested to write about, my details are below.
For now, I say Ciao,and I look forward to interacting with you guys!
Email: alex.a.kachepa@gmail.com
Twitter: @a1_dizzo
IG: @a1_dizzo