I do not remember when or how exactly I met Maureen. As I recall, it was no less than seven years ago.
It was via Facebook, you know, when we were teenagers – wanting to have as many/more Facebook friends as/than the next guy, so you friended every stranger – as long as you had at least one mutual friend (why did we do that?)
I liked Maureen’s vibe. She was – what we used to call “chill” in those days. We were teens, seeking validation, and hopeless romantics at the time (you get the wave). And at least 7 years later, she is this stunning designer that is only just beginning. We graduated together from Uni, in March of 2018. SHe was at the Polytechnic, so can well expect that there’s plenty of Mathematics that goes in those designs!
I will be honest – the first time I saw Maureen had started designing I though “ugh another person that thinks they can design.”
Then I started to see the masterpieces she was creating, and I was slowly getting impressed. In May of 2017, she told me she was sending me a dress.
I was not ultimately very enthusiastic about it, as I loathe being disappointed and I have had many of such experiences in the past with some designers.
But alas the gown that dropped once I opened that parcel from Maureen. You should have seen how my mouth dropped.
Impressed is not even enough a word to describe how I felt by this dress. She put to shame every little doubt I may have had about her designing. She is talent!
My next fear was, would it fit? And if so, which parts would be less than perfect for me? I put on the dress and it fit like a glove – A first for me, having a design made by someone other than me.
I fell in love with the train. The neckline was my favorite trend at the moment. How did you know, Maureen?
The length. style, fit and everything was spot on for me.
She recently launched her Rosey Collection in August, which has some ready to wear items.
If you would like to get your own pieces, here are the contact details:
Designer: Maureen Mahenge (IG: @its_maur)
Phone Number: +265 999 59 00 96 (Calls or Whatsapp)
Photographer : Davis Msumba (IG: @Y4Cpictures)