It is my 23rd birthday today!
23 full years around the sun today!
8,400 days, 201, 613 hours, 12, 096, 821 minutes, 725, 809, 297 seconds.
A whole 3/4 of a billion tik-toking around the sun! Imagine that!
As I reflect on my 23rd year, I am reminded of the blessings I have endured this year.
I have been choked with blessings in this year!
I dedicated this year to learning about me.
I cut off everything that was taking away from my soul, this year.
I put on pause everything I was not certain of, this year.
I did not do much, this year.
I dedicated my 23rd year to pouring in – pouring love into myself,
so I can have much to give when I start pouring out.
You came with challenges, you came with achievements.
You brought out the best on me,
And did for me way more than I ever would have asked for.
You brought me good love and brought me to health.
You gave me heartbreak which ironically healed my anxiety and depression.
You gave me mental stability.
You gave me great friends with better vibes (hey y’all!).
You brought me a deep happiness I have always dreamt about.
You gave me possibly the only job I would be happy with at the moment.
And you helped me define what my media career is going to be.
You fully furnished my little place I am happy to call home.
You gave me financial security. You gave me fitness. You blessed me with health.
At the same time, I have to think of what I have learnt – and it was a lot of lessons.
23 was my investment year. I put almost everything on hold.
I focused much on developing and growing, so there was much to learn.
You taught me to treasure God’s “No”s
– that His “Yes”es may take time but they are always so great,
So perfect there is no point fighting His nos.
You showed me what healthy love is gonna be, and got me excited about the possibility.
You gave me growth. You healed me 23rd year.
I am happy to have lived this chapter with you.
Thank you for being so kind to me 23rd year.
For a while now, I have been obsessed with the idea that our birthday, is in fact the beginning of next year. Think of it this way – the day you were born, your actual birth day – at age 0, was the beginning of your first year. Therefore it only makes to say that today is the first day of my 24th year, right?
Damn. 24. Next year I will be turning 24! Imagine that!
Dear 24th year,
I won’t lie I am anxious we are getting old.
I know I put too much pressure on you.
I find peace in knowing that we are a few steps ahead of our life plans,
And I hope we can achieve all we set out to do.
I know I put a lot of pressure on you,
But thus far you have proven to me you are an achiever
And I look forward to living out so much greatness with you.
I committed my 23rd year to making plans that I am holding you accountable to execute.
23 did well, if I must say. She laid good ground for you.
You have a job to prove yourself at, this year.
You have a book to publish, this year.
You have a tour to execute, this year.
You have books to write, this year.
You have media to produce, this year.
I am declaring financial stability, this year.
I look forward to seeing you pouring into the world beautiful healthy love.
I am wishing you God, love and light in this new year.
Happy 23rd Birthday, and a happier 24th year.
All my love,
23 year-old Ntha x
P.S. thank you to my amazing friends that celebrated this gorgeous new beginning with me.
You guys mean the world, but you already new that!
Check out this post I did on How to not be a bad Friend, – something I am still learning how to do.