By Kate
My name is Katerina Mzembe, but almost everyone calls me Kate.
Let me start off by sharing how I met Nthanda. Earlier this year, Mentor Malawi had their launch party at Cuneco Fusion Café and Nthanda was a guest speaker. As we all know, how tactful she is when it comes to engaging her audience, she got to find out that I was a blogger who cherished writing about self-improvement and personal growth. So, she suggested I take the mental health segment on her blog and here we are!
My passion for helping people is driven by my desire to make a difference. I suppose my background as a trained human resource professional only adds fuel to the fire. A very close friend of mine likes to relate that I have a soft personality, and they were right! Only to add how I liken myself to wild flowers ……with time, you’ll surely know what I mean by that.
My “IT BEGINS WITH ME” attitude has let me go through life’s ups and downs and feel every moment of it but, eventually, not offered me the comfort of letting who I am be defined by what I have been through and I desire, more than I care to admit, to share how, with anyone who will lend me an ear. My sincerest hope is that as we go on this journey and as you read my pieces, my words will lift up your heart and let you know that no matter what you are dealing with, there is always hope.
It is no secret that everyone, at some point in their life, has to deal with mental health issues within themselves or around them and the sad reality is that the world can be an exceedingly overwhelming place with so many factors beyond our control. The good news is that even though we cannot change our circumstances, we can change how we respond to our circumstances.
In the words of Suzanne Heyn, “Healing is not about changing who you are. It is about changing your relationship to who you are. A fundamental part of that is honoring how you feel.”
So that’s what I help people do, as a life coach……… in training at least.
You can check out my latest work on my blog http://kateinspo.blog/ and follow me on Instagram @kate.inspo and Twitter @kateinspo.
Until next time,