Hey loves,
Over the past few months, the team and I have been working on a e-lancing / coworking platform, and I’m delighted to share it with you.
Colance Africa is a system which has been designed to bring creators in the digital space together. This system aims to help businesses find skilled and authentic freelancers who can co-create and execute different tasks according to business’s varying needs.
The system is designed to give users a choice to team up, or work independently.
Colancers may choose to work individually as freelancers, or collaborate with other creators and trade together as collectives, agencies or digital innovation hubs. Users will be allowed to work with others to complement each other’s work.
Buyers will have a choice of portfolios to select from – either getting services from existing collectives, agencies or hubs; or creating their own collective by selecting various colancers to work together on select projects.
Want to learn more about Colance Africa? Check out our “How It Works” documentation.
This was goal #4 on my vision-board, and I’m pretty excited seeing it materialise and come to life. We soft-launched it at the Startup Masterclass last week.