Hey loves,
Long time. Apologies for the silence. I don’t even have an excuse or explanation – life just kinda happened, and I did not have the space or bandwidth to create content anymore.
I turn 26 today. I have come to learn that with time, some opinions turn to fact, and the rest disappears. For today, I thought of sharing a list of my 26 things I have come to know for sure, in my 26 years of existence.
I started writing my list, and by the time I got to item #13, I realised one thing – I know nothing for sure. I know absolutely nothing for sure. Facts are after all just glorified opinions, yet to be disproved.
I’ve spent my whole life trying to figure things out – living like I know everything. For the first time, I’m okay with saying I have no idea what is next. I am going to take life as it comes, and I’m going to be okay with not knowing anything for now.
Here’s to 26, and taking life on as it comes.
All my love,