March 2025

Think Locally, Innovate Globally: A Call to Malawi’s Next Generation of Leaders (Grounded in Malawi 2063)

For so long, Malawi has sat quietly in the center of the storm — untouched not by design, but by circumstance. Unlike so many of our neighbors, we have never fought wars over land, resources, or identity. There was no great battle for Malawi, because for decades, there was no perceived wealth worth fighting over. And in that quiet existence, something dangerous settled into our national psyche — the belief that survival itself was enough.

Asking Better Questions (A Reflection on MW2063): The Role of Youth in Trade and Industry

In January of 2022, I was entrusted as a young entrepreneur and tech hub founder, with the honor of facilitating a panel discussion with the National Planning Commission (NPC) on Malawi 2063. As facilitator, I asked a lot of questions — questions about our role as young people, about how we turn vision into action, and about what self-reliance really looks like for Malawi. At the time, I thought those questions were for the panelists. Today, I realize they were also for me.