As rich as America is, you’ll still find wretched poor people. Not because they aren’t exposed to opportunities and resources that would prosper them, but because they fail to reprogram themselves for success and leverage the available resources.
As poor as Malawi is, you’ll still find rich people living a good life as economy could define it. Not because they stole money from somewhere but because someone or themselves worked so hard to create a good life.
The reality of every nation is, every government is broke. If it wasn’t they couldn’t have been collecting tax from businesses to enrich the government. The wealth and prosperity of a nation is the collective wealth and prosperity of its individuals. Let me let you in on a simple one before you protest, “Malawi is not a poor country, but it is the people of Malawi who are poor” remember those words from the mighty man Bingu Wa Muntharika? So if Malawi be poor, who’s the determinant? The people! If you critically analyse America you’ll realize that it is rich not because the government printed many US Dollar Notes, it is rich because people created value for the nation through enterprises. Without the people any government can do nothing about its development.
What America did or does however is to create an environment that enables people to prosper. In my little knowledge, these I believe to be the very primary procedures which public leaders must do to develop a nation;
1. They set up policies to help individuals excel in their industrious pursuits
2. They set up structures and systems to accommodate/attract foreign investment
3. They safeguard nation’s revenue reserves and direct its funds to diverse avenues of development
4. They intentionally generate ideas to put the country at an economic advantage
Every government is a business institution and except it’s treated as such the nation will never prosper. And in business, we understand that PEOPLE are the most important then THE PROCESS before the PROFIT. Take it to mean a MILK COW and a FARMER. Without enriching the MILK COW, it will not produce MILK and the FARMER’S family will dwindle economically. The MILK COW are the PEOPLE, the FARMER is the GOVERNMENT. But you see, the MILK COW has got to want to PRODUCE MILK. Let me exemplify it in simple terms, Malawi’s economy happens to improve somewhat during the tobacco season yet the government doesn’t possess a single tobacco farm. But without the people producing tobacco, the economy will suffer in that season. So what does the government do? It creates a PROCESS that enable the PEOPLE to generate revenue but at the same time enriches them through capacity building to generate more tobacco. And thus the government gets its share through tax.
Can you imagine? With all that a government can do it really depends on individuals. Look, presidents have come and gone. Malawi has experienced good and bad economy but in all those economies some have prospered and some have remained poor. Your prosperity is not tied to the economy of your country, rather your country’s economy is tied to your prosperity. Remember what happened in Zimbabwe? The former president set up a new policy concerning farms and eventually the economy plummeted. What destroyed the country was just a policy. The farms weren’t anymore productive because the people now in charge could no-longer produce.
If you as an individual will not work hard to better your life, no government elected into power will. No single president will really improve your life. You are on your own, and to develop your life, I’ll be frank with you it is going to be hard. You need a government to set up policies, systems and develop ideas that will enable you thrive.You need a government that will safeguard the revenue generated to make greater improvements in your nation so you can thrive even more. SO THE PRESIDENT YOU NEED IS THE ONE WHO GUARANTEES YOU THOSE. Other than that whoever you think is your hope is not your hope. If you are looking for some hope MAYBE TRY JESUS CHRIST.
Entrepreneur | Author | Educationist | Innovation Strategist | Business Developer
Mandela Washington Fellow, 3 Day Startup Fellow; 3 times Professional awardee. Passionate about Technology, Education and Innovation.
Co-founder at Tecules
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