I am not yet building a house but I have shared my fair share of devastation with wardrobes that just won’t move.
All my life I simply wanted fitted wardrobes in my house because all my friends homes except our home had some. It just seemed like the cool thing to have and I swore I would have some in my own house.
A year living alone and I’m counting the number of times I have wished I could just be able to move my wardrobes. It’s time to accept I was simply late for the trend.
There are a few reasons why I feel this way about stationary wardrobes.
I would definitely not want to be stuck with less than trendy furniture for a long time.
2. The shelving is not usually perfectly done
At times its not even done at all!
3. Did I mention you simply have to stay on trend?
Think of it this way: if you simply leave room for a moveable wardrobe, you can always get rid of one and refit with another one once you are no longer feeling the older one. Isn’t that a winner? I think yas!
4. You can choose a wardrobe that matches the theme of your room!
When you change your bedroom set,you are not stuck with an old and ugly wardrobe that doesn’t fit with the rest of the room. You change that too!
5. You can customize your wardrobe!
In case you’re not feeling the already made ones, you can always have one custom-made.
I personally wouldn’t go through that much trouble as I find it more expensive and simply tedious. But hey if you are into that sort of thing.
So as you are considering furnishing your new house, I am pleading with you to throw out the outdated stationary wardrobe idea and get with the new wave of the moveable pretty wardrobes.
Furniture in this post from BlockBuster Furniture Shop at Gateway Mall
Outfit designed and made by me
Photography by Cricky Justice
P.S. I’m totally excited to be sharing with you so many home decor tips in partnership with BlockBuster and PoundStretcher. Let me know what you would love to see.
All my love,
Ntha x