Hey hey!
How is weekend treating you?
Attaching here is another curated poem by a poet who is killing it in the field and wonders ‘Why do we write? When do we write? Wants to say something meaningful but can’t seem to find the right words.’
One for the lonely
I have a vague memory.
I don’t exactly know what happened.
I don’t know what I wanted but I
was at a party and I just remember being lonely.
It’s not always a problem.
I am used to it.
I think I was all over him
or was it she
does it even matter?
We didn’t kiss. I wanted to…
I went up to her and I said I liked her
but he wasn’t interested in having a conversation.
I just remember being lonely
which is not a problem.
I’m used to it.
Wait, you don’t believe me?
Maybe you are right to feel that way
maybe I am lying to you.
Maybe I am lying to myself.
Maybe it is a problem.
I haven’t cried in a long time.
I haven’t cut myself in some time.
I don’t think I’m scared rather tired or bored.
I don’t know what I should be happy about…
I don’t have my own thoughts.
I steal words which fit my emotions because I’m incapable of saying what I feel. I just muddle my words like some word salad.
I have not cried in a long time.
Maybe if I do, every stranger would
make me feel safer and every person may
seem more beautiful.
-Inner Monologues of Mr. Nobody
Wishing for all of you nothing but the best, and again hoping you love the poem as much as I did curating it.
Gigantic love sealed with immense prayers,