By Kwangu
Hi there,
My name is Kwangu. Some people call me koko for short. I welcome you to this segment of love.
I am truly excited to be writing about love because who doesn’t love, love? Love is a complex phenomenon that can be defined differently biologically, socially, psychologically and even spiritually. Basically we all need to love and be loved.
On this journey we will talk a great deal about love. Together we will explore and appreciate the essence of love in all the different ways it is define. We will look at both the good and the bad and maybe even the ugly. I will share with you a lot of real life experiences and examples pertaining to love, some that are my own. I am no love guru. I am still getting a hang on the field of love myself but we all learn and grow from experience. It is my hope that you draw something meaningful from it all.
A little about myself I am in my third year of college majoring in economics at the Chancellor College. I am 19 turning 20 in June. I am a foodie and I love to bake. I am a first time blogger so I am a little rusty around the edges but I started writing a couple of years ago. I love to write because I feel like it is an outlet and that it is the only way that my voice can be heard other than when I actually speak which I rarely ever do. This platform is an opportunity for me to share my thoughts and opinions about love and to be able to grow as a writer for that I am truly grateful. I believe that you and I, my dear reader, will get to interact and you will get to know more about me as we go along.
Feel free to reach me via email at kwangulucymwenda@gmail.com. Follow me on Instagram @kwangu_lou and find me on Twitter @kwangu_lou. I really would like to hear from you.
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