Hey loves,
Happy new month!
How is it going so far? I have mentally and most times physically been on vacation for the past two weeks.
Initially, I had planned to jump right from the book launch to planning for the book tour, but in all honesty I was drained and I was exhausted.
By the time the book launch was done, I could barely manage to upload a blogpost about the event. It is finally up now with all the details about how the launch went. There are also details about how and where you can purchase the book, and more importantly the upcoming book donation tour.
So I guess we can jump right into what we have been and are up to in my life currently:
Planning: My book tour. I feel very well-rested and energetic enough to get creative again. Yaaaaas!
Making: A blanket holder (Well I am thinking it. Th execution is yet to come underway hehe). It’s like a wooden ladder that holds your throws.
Creating: The Nyenyezi ya ku M’mawa Foundation. Yes, still at it. Still perfecting the idea. Almost there. Almost there.
Eating: Man, everything! I am gaining so much weight, but I oddly I am loving it.
Drinking: Fruit juices and cocktails. I have been on vacation which means that I am not working out and therefore no protein supplements. The water is still a fail, but we shall get there. Faith, honey.
Reading: The book By The end of your teens, obvs. I have to reread it, criticize and correct myself as other people do too. I am also reading “A modern diplomat” by Honorable Minister Bright Msaka – a gift he gave me when I went to talk to him about my book.
Currently Reading: Nothing. Nothing. I’ll be back soon.
Writing: The book Feminine Silence. I am also working on a new book concept titled “When the Dust Settles” inspired by a beautiful love I have experienced. Y’all know I am a hopeless romantic and this will be a beautiful read, if I do say so myself.
Playing: It cool. In the words of D, “I’m easy!”
Wanting: To get my grind back. The mind is willing but the body is weak. Ha!
Needing: My car back! Forreal. Exactly a month till the parts arrive and I am impatiently waiting.
Regretting: Nothing this month. I have not done muchh, to the point that I must regret.
Wishing: For a flawless book tour. Yes I shall, yes I shall.
Enjoying: A peaceful state. I do love my peace.
Loving: The time spent and conversations shared with D, still. Confirmed – the most brilliant man I know. The wit, the humour!
Following: More writers and creatives. I want to live like the people I aspire to be like. Do not downplay the power of influence!
Thinking: Of what creative projects I want to embark on for this month.
Overthinking: What the critics will say about my book. Still rolling out. Yet to acquire feedback.
Admiring: All writers, published and unpublished. The amount of work and energy it takes. Respect!
Opening: Up to new opportunities (Esp if the have to do with writing). Always and always.
Listening to: Some gospel jams lately. I found them in my computer at work and I am loving them. Oh, and Ted did manage to perform at the book launch. Exciting!
Also listening to Drake’s “Nice for what”. Yes yes. I am late I know. Surprise surprise lol.
Watching: Lifestyle networks. The things I love.
Grateful for: Beautiful souls that work as hard as we do, to help us realise our dreams. Thanks to all my loves. You mean the world.
All Photography done at Nkopola Sunbird, Malawi
By PJM Photography