By Kwangu
This past week, I have been thinking about how we don’t usually show the people we love how much we care. Often times, we forget to tell them or show them that we care.
Basically, we are all needy people. Even if you deny it, we are needy. Sometimes, we just want someone to grace us with a random present, out of the blue, reminding us that we are loved because we forget. I mean, a little spontaneity never hurt anyone.
Some people probably need help to get their creative juices flowing so that they can come up with things to do to show the people in their life that they love them. Some of the ways are easy DIY projects that can be fun to do on your free time. It is all about having fun with this. It should not feel like a burden in anyway.
Over the week, after racking my brain on things to do, I came up with some simple ways that you can show someone that you love them you care about them.
i am at school at the moment so these ways are things that you can do for your friends at school.
1. Dinner date.
I bet what comes to mind first when you read that is asking them out to dinner. Well, you actually have to do that and it doesn’t have to be a significant other. It can be one of your very platonic friends whom you have extremely good vibes with. Make sure the plan actually fits their schedule so that you do not inconvenience them.
Sometimes you maybe feeling like you are losing touch with some of your best friends. These are the people to ask. Or better yet to surprise. I swear to you, it will mean so much to them if you do. it would be a lovely way to just catch up with them.
2. Make handwritten cards or write them letters.
I don’t know about you but I am an old soul at heart. I loooove letters and handwritten cards and all of that stuff that most people consider sappy. I do have several friends who actually like these heartfelt written stuff. It does not need to be anything flashy. It could be a little post-it note stuck on their wall in their room. It could be an actual letter with simply the words “I love you” inside. I honestly feel like Malawians do not say the words I love you to the people they love and care about enough. It is probably because of our culture. We feel like the other person should just know and not necessarily be told but I feel like it is important to actually say it.
3. Gift baskets.
This is my favorite one yet. One of my friends tried it and I was pretty impressed because I thought the idea was really cool and very meaningful. It was her friends birthday but I believe it can be done anytime. What she did was that she found a box and she filled it up with what her friend likes and gave it to her. She filled it up with natural hair products-cantu leave in conditioner, olive oil, castor oil, spray bottle, eco styler gel. because her friend is a natural. Unfortunately she lost the picture of the basket but here one of a goodie bag made by @naturally.mw.
In this one you have to isolate what your friends like and use that. You can get ideas from anywhere online and use that. You could make boxes of sunshine were everything in that basket has to be of the color yellow. Simply just have fun with it because that is what matters.
4. Sweet treats.
I believe I am not the only one whose has friends who have a sweet tooth. My friends go crazy when it comes to sweet treats. They simply love them. With these you can buy them their favorite type of candy and give it to them with a cute little note attached to it. Easy right?
5. Something for the guys.
Boys are really hard. They prefer not show any kind of love related emotions to each other so most guys will prefer not to show their buddies that they care unless it is their birthday or they have done something praise worthy. It is rare to find boys giving each other presents or something like that because they do not roll like that.
You could plan a guys night out. Strictly guys no girls. Whereby you just catch up or talk about whatever it is guys talk about Or you could go hiking. Zomba mountain has a lot of beautiful sites and the air at the top of the mountain is just amazing. It is a fun thing to do while you are getting some much need exercise at the same time. Do not forget that water though. You definitely need to hydrate.
6. Get some juice.
It has been really hot lately. My girls and I decided that we go and get some juice by the T&D guesthouse which is close to the Chancellor College. I am telling you that this nutriexpress juice is just what you need to cool down on a hot afternoon. It is healthy but at the same time it is bursting with flavor. If you are in zomba you must simply try it out. Besides that we all had had one hell of a busy week and it was just a nice way to catch up on some much needed girl time.
I hope you enjoyed this piece and you also enjoy trying out this very simple ideas.
Tell me how it goes when you try them.
Don’t forget to leave a comment down below.
With love,