My foundation‘s board director, Chalenge, and I joined the Chandler Foundation and the Segal Family Foundation at their second annual Friends of Malawi Reception, to honor the delegation of the Government of Malawi, as well as change makers and funders working in Malawi.
Their hope was to bring together like-minded friends and organizations who are committed to and invested in Malawi’s progress. We dropped in for some cocktails, confections, connections, and camaraderie. It was such a beautiful night of friendship and networking – learning so much about the non-profits working in and for Malawi.
I got to interact with the CEO of the Chandler Foundation, Mr. Tim Hanstad, and he was such a wonderful host, making time to speak with nearly everyone who was in attendance of the evening.
I also got to interact with Dedo Baranshamaje, Country Director and Director of Innovation, Segal Family Foundation, and Sean Kampondeni, the assistant to the President of Malawi, both of whom I have not seen in nearly two years.
Always a joy to be in fabulous and warm Malawian company. 🇲🇼♥️
All my love,