Hey hey!
Here is another poem by Jungshi I read and read, and could not not love.
In the darkness
Of their mind
I have two faces
Of equal monstrosity.
I am a snake
As vile as Eden’s-
I have told lies,
Haven’t paid my dues
Screamed too loud
And stood up for myself
When I should’ve stooped,
Bent my knees to the ground
And glorified what is wrong.
The trade fare flourishes
With my name on sale-
“He has stolen,
He has deceived,
Loved too much
And lived as if he were free.”
The bounty is disappointing
Considering how troublesome
I have heard myself to be.
I sit here by my books
Looking back
At all the wrong
I could’ve done
And regret not living
For my own happiness.
I think of all the hard work
I could’ve put into myself
Instead of slaving for another.
Now that time is just an empty space of regrets and false accusations
I am all to myself
With my truths
And my tears.
But in the darkness
of my mind
I am safe,
I am sound,
I am free of guilt
Of a crime I didn’t commit.
Do check out his previous poem called Religion and Spring if you’ve missed it (you mustn’t miss it).
Also, mail me for suggestions including poets I should check out, topics you want me to feature or simply to drop a hello. 🙂
Gigantic love sealed with prayers,