What most might not know is that Ntha Foundation got its name from my blog – this blog, “By Ntha“. It was more an extension of the blog (my Digital Media work), than it was an extension of me.
Now my blog was named after me.
My dad has called me “Ntha” since I was a child, and this having started out as a personal blog deserved a personal touch… hence By Ntha. Eventually, there was demand from fellow youth to extend to them my work: how and why I do what I do(/did).
That is how I thought of creating a non-profit side to the business that is By Ntha, hence Ntha Foundation. Needless to say, By Ntha is still personal, while the Ntha Foundation is not.
Hearing anyone mention “Ntha” has been too close for comfort for me. It is still very personal, and for a while was quite uncomfortable for me in professional settings where I come more as my professional, and less my personal self. I have struggled over the years to associate myself (in my personal capacity) with the foundation.
On most days it feels like an out-of-body experience; especially when I am so closely linked to the Foundation’s work. There are many of my personal values there, but it’s still much bigger than me. It’s grown in ways I never could have imagined. And it’s still yet only just the beginning.
I think for likely the first time since its inception (those who know me might know I’ve struggled with this), I’m at peace with Ntha Foundation being associated with my name. I am deeply delighted for my existence to be linked to this type of work, and I’m grateful that you feel connected to me through my work.
Thanks for taking this journey with us. 🤍