By Kate
Nothing hurts more than a heart left wondering WHY?
To family and friends of our beloved who lost their lives on the ET 302 crash on the 7th of March, 2019 in Ethiopia.
I know you feel broken, so I won’t tell you to have a wonderful day.
Instead I whisper these words to you ‘JUST HOLD ON’.
As the darkest days of grief start to get less, the sun will rise again for you.
– Zoe Clark
To the rest of the world
When someone is going through a storm, your silent presence is better than a million empty words. – Thema Davis
To Boeing 737 Max 8 ET302
You crashed into us, like a hit and run. We never saw you coming. You have shattered us but instead of wrecking our lives, it may not be today or tomorrow but we will eventually come out of this shock with a lesson to always be prepared for our turn.
Exactly one week ago today, family, friends and acquaintances hugged and kissed their goodbyes to the 157 brothers and sisters who we lost on the plane crash, with hopes of seeing them again someday. And just 6 Minutes after the Boeing 737 Max 8 took off, it crashed. I cannot begin to imagine the sudden violent mental and emotional disturbance that the closed ones of the people who were on board went through at the news of this.
It hurts to live after someone close to us has died. It painfully does. Everything we do seem to remind us of them in a very painful way. Walking around the house, a familiar fragrance, a favourite song, a most loved dish, almost everything somehow just deepens the loss. It is easy for people to say that time will heal but accepting and getting over a loss of a loved one is extremely difficult. For some time may not even heal the wounds.
No one can ever replace a loved one who has passed away. No matter how we try to deny it, we will never be able to embrace them, or hear them laugh or carry out activities with them. As painful as it is, we must accept this fact.
Grief is so lonely this way. Accepting that as long as we remain alive, we will never be able to have physical connection with them is very devastating. And this knowledge can leave many in a depressed and hopeless state for a very very long time.
HEAL (for their peace)
Healing is not as easy as it sounds when we have lost someone dear to us from this physical world. But I believe our loved ones who are able to see and guide us in spirit are/will not be happy to see us suffering and punishing ourselves over the loss. They may end up even being angry with themselves and this may lead to their souls not resting in peace. And always we wish peace to our loved us who have been separated from us, but how do we expect them to be at peace when we fill ourselves with too much pain?
At the end of the day, we have cried our eyes out, even blamed ourselves for the loss but life must go on. And I know it is hard to turn the page knowing someone we love will not be in the next chapter and the healing process may be slow, know that you are allowed. It may never make sense why they had to go so early and in such a painful way but it is comforting knowing that one day we will also go there and be able to see and be with our loved ones again.
You are gone
But tank you
For all these soft, sweet things
You have left behind
In my home,
In my head,
In my heart.
– Nikita Gill
Forever in our hearts,