Curator | @NthandaManduwi

A Published Author, Internationally Awarded Social-Entrepreneur, Speaker and Media Icon/Producer and, Human Rights and Policy Advocate; Nthanda is pursuing an MBA at Michigan State University, specializing in Marketing Management and Business Analytics. She holds a Master of Science in Entrepreneurship, researching the entrepreneurial opportunities posited by Africa’s Digital Transformation — how Malawians can better model Information Management Systems for Development. Her Bachelor of Social Science dual-majoring Economics & Demography specialized (research) in the socio-economic impacts of Women’s Empowerment.

With 10+ years of experience in business development, knowledge management, research analysis, data visualization, media dissemination and women’s empowerment, Nthanda is a social-entrepreneur — founder of three organizations : Bien Corporation Africa (LTD), the Ntha Foundation (NPO) and the Kwathu Kollective (Innovation & Creative Community), which have collaboratively over the past decade established subsidiary businesses and initiatives like Q2 Corporation (LTD), Digital Skills for Africa, Bants2Business, and Music4Malawi.

Prior to embarking on her MBA, Nthanda worked with the United Nations in New York, leading Digital Communications & Knowledge Outreach at the Global SDG Synthesis Coalition. She also worked as the Project Lead in the World Bank funded Digital Malawi – Digital Skills for All project, as operationalized by the Ntha Foundation on behalf of the Malawi Government through the Public Private Partnership Commission, and as a Revenue Officer with the Malawi Revenue Authority.

In 2021, Nthanda was one of 20 young professionals selected out of 38,709 applicants for the first cohort of the UNDP Graduate Programme, and she was matched to the Independent Evaluation Office in New York.

In 2022, Nthanda was also one of the top 10 entrepreneurs selected on of 2300+ applicants for the Westerwelle Foundation Young Founder’s Programme in Berlin, Germany.

In celebration of the 2022 International Women’s Day, she was recognised by the EU Delegation to Malawi as one of 16 Malawi’s Power Women (youngest of the group).

In 2023, she was recognised as one of 8 most inspiring youth, one of 100 most inspiring women in Malawi, and one of 100 Young Entrepreneurs Building Malawi by the Wealth Malawi magazine.

In 2024, she was recognised as one of 100 (under 40) Most Influential People of African Descent at the 79th UNGA.

Stay in touch with Nthanda online! Find her various social media platforms below:

Learn more about Nthanda via her personal profile.