Tivina Liti? | Picture Perfect Love Stories
As of last weekend, I am the oldest unmarried person in my family (both paternal and maternal sides), and I can’t help but think of the impact that has had on the things which matter most in finding love.
Harmony’s Beauty House | Wedding Glam
I’m no expert on wedding glam, but I deeply enjoyed this full-face beat from Harmony’s Beauty House.
I was very particular about a few things, and I was glad that they met all my expectations.
Component of Self-care | Wellness
A crucial component of serving others is self-care. To serve others effectively, you must serve yourself first.
Identifying and understanding the four components of selfcare can help you better do that.
Shop £5 Dresses | Budget Online Shopping
I love looking like a million $s, and I love it more when it can cost me less that $10!
Check out how you can shop online for some gorgeous £5 dresses!