Hey 2018. We are finally on the other side of 2017 and I personally am grateful that you and I were granted the opportunity to see this day here today.
It’s a beautiful year, so far so good.
Some do not believe in resolutions. Others think making annual plans is limiting yourself. Personally I have annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily and maybe even hourly goals. I simply love setting, and more importantly, smashing goals.
I took a quick break from social media to just rest and reboot. My December was fun-packed forreal but it was also exhausting. After spending the holiday with the Family in Mangochi, Malawi, I got back to my house. You wouldn’t believe the amount of bugs I found in my house! Yuck! I have spent the past week cleaning up which also inspired me to refurnish and redecorate my house. Speaking of my house, I am certainly ready to jump into 2018 and below, my 18 resolutions for 2018.
1. Refurnish my house, duh!
I got to my house on the Second of January and found every kind of bug that possibly exists on this planet. I didn’t even know where to begin and simply just redid everything. Every time I look at this house, I remind myself this was the home I always wanted. Other people’s homes will always be their parent’s house, their own family house and that. For me, even when I get a family home, my bachelorette pad will always be where I found home and peace.
So I decided to stop living like I was on the run and started buying little details to make this house pretty. It is very expensive, but worth every dime!
2. Get back into fit mode.
In the past month, I have only been in the gym twice. My legs hurt like hell both times and I just did not go back. But I, like you, have body goals and better to start now than later. Plus, New Year, New Gym. Have y’all checked out the Fitness Factory by Sana Complex in Lilongwe?
3. Start airing my first TV Show
I know that the show will air 2 months beyond its scheduled date. This was a business decision at most, and I am looking forward to the show airing on 3rd February, 2018.
4. Test out the waters of self-employment officially.
In about a month, I will be completely self-employed. I am scared. I have no idea how it is going to go. But this is my dream and I have to experience it.
5. Visit and review more hotels and tourist attraction sites in Malawi
2017 gave me many things, but it also cemented my love for travel and tourism. I enjoyed all the hotels I reviewed in the past year, and I am looking forward to exploring a hundred more hotels in Malawi this year.
6. Publish my first book
A goal I failed to achieve last year. Writer’s block combined with a need for perfection and a very busy year. I did not have too much time to write, and the motivation was also rare. Mostly because I actually finished writing the book, but I still need it to be perfect. However, since I am diverting more from my teens, I simply lack the motivation to talk about my teen years as I have to dig harder and I end up in a block.
I saw someone wish that their years are so dense that their pasts seem like one year and one year feels like their entire lives. That is how I feel at the moment. However, I am digging deeper to truly finish and publish this book so I can also give myself room to work on the others.
7. Register My Media Company
More evidence of my procrastination. Being self-employed means my media Company needs to be registered and I do think it is time.
8. Create my Home Office
Aaaaah. Exciting! I have wanted my home office since like forever. It is quite expensive, but once I am done furnishing my living room, kitchen and bedroom, the Home Office is the last stop and I intend to make it totally adorbs!
9. Do more motivational talks
I like doing motivational talks. I get asked things like “when did you start? How did you start? What has been the journey like?
I am nowhere close to where I want to be. I have barely even started – but I am always glad to share my experience with those willing to take the same path as me. When you make it, build a longer table, not a higher fence.
10. Host a few more shows.
I enjoy hosting shows – corporate shows. I hope to do a few more and party the year away with you.
I am not setting out too many goals for my career this year. I simply want to focus on the things I started in 2017, and see how far they can grow. I know it will be a busy creative year for me and I want to keep my activities to a minimal as I will spend most of my time writing.
And then some personal, self-growth goals. I set aside some personal goals simply for personal development. We are growing after all.
11. Learn to speak less
Being a writer and a speaker, I am always inclined to respond to every view I hear regarding me of a topic I am passionate about. My mother told me I am not 5 anymore, and I think she is right. It is time for me to learn to not be as reactive. If you say something dumb about me or something I feel deeply for, I will take a deep breath, then address you and five more people in one long blogpost like a real adult (lol just kidding). This year is all about peace.
12. Learn to balance my emotions
Last year I wanted to be less emotional. I achieved that goal. Or did I? I became arguably emotionless. I cut away everything that triggers any emotions in me. Bad move!
This year I want to learn to be healthily emotional. I want to be able to express healthy emotions, while controlling and managing negative emotions. Absolutely no idea how I will do that. Absolutely determined to try.
13. Learn one new language
If there is one thing I hate, it is learning languages. Yikes! I have been exposed to at least 3 local languages besides English and chichewa. I can hear most words in them – but actually pushing myself to be fluent in them is a whole other yard. Perhaps this year we try harder?
14. Become a more accommodating person
I have also learnt I am truly unaccommodating. It is either my way or no way. Works fine when I am in my house. Not so well around other people. As the leader I hope to someday be – and simply a better friend, I have to learn how to do this.
15. Gain more New experiences and have more roadtrips.
I keep saying this, it’s a beautiful world, a beautiful life. Go out and see it!
I enjoy road-trips. They are therapeutically and healing. I am praying for more chilling and healing in 2018.
16. Get in touch with my heart.
My heart simply plays hard to get these days – for everyone including myself. I used to be a heart-on-my-sleeve kinda girl. She got mad hurt and went deep into hiding.
Come out heart, it is not so dangerous out here. I will take better care of you this time. I promise.
17. Eat more food. Gain a little bit of weight.
My dietary habits are simply toxic. This year I hope to eat some more homemade foods and simply gain some mass.
18. More pool-time and cocktails. Hello!
What would be a year without some fun. I wish you, as I do myself, more pool-time and more cocktails in 2018. I hope 2018 is the year you hope it will be, and I hope you smash your annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, maybe even minutely goals, one at a time! HAPPY 2018!
All my love,